Bazzal and the Beggar

 Before I continue with Shakham's work I have one small gem to share. I ran into a traveling wizard at the market today. At first he did not seem anything other than part of the crowd, but his spellbook caught my eye from afar. In view from where I was enjoying the morning tea, a local beggar asked him for spare change. The wizard looked at the begging woman in front of him, possibly measuring her earnestness. He then proceeded without a word to walk down the market square, to the beggar's disappointment. Yet in short time he returned with an orange fruit in his hand, rather rare and expensive in these parts, and asked the woman to eat it and give him one of the seeds. The beggar, who thought mockery was his intention, refused to accept the fruit. "I would rather have a plain piece of bread than you rich folks' fancy fruits, sir." He smiled at this, then continued, now asking the woman to show him where she lived. Puzzeled, she pointed to a makeshift tent in the garden just outside the market. Again he left without a word.
 After a short time a crowd was gathering at the outskirts of the garden. Curious, I went closer to see what was causing so much excitement. When I reached the place I saw the wizard casting a spell near the beggar's tent. Much to the crowd's amazement a tree grew out of the bare soil of the unkempt garden at an unbelievable speed. Within seconds a fully grown orange tree with fruit stood where a minute ago nothing but bare ground lay. The beggar reached the place with a face struck pale with amazement. The wizard then proclaimed that the tree was his gift to the beggar so that she use its fruit to sell at the market.
 As he left the place accompanied by the crowds cheers - mostly at the amusement rather than the act of kindness probably - I caught up with him to learn his name was Bazzal. We exchanged a few words and a spell:

Bazzal's Orange Tree
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Three rounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell almost instantly grows a living orange tree where the caster designates. Its roots attempt to drive into the ground with significant force (enough to push into cracks in a side-walk or wall). At the end of the spell, the tree is rooted into the ground (if possible) and full of fruit. It will stay alive if its surrounding allows it.
Material Focus: an orange tree seed.

He assures me this spell has more uses than would seem at first glance, and it has saved his life on several occasions. I have arranged to meet with Bazzal later to further investigate his spellbook, so expect more of this intriguing fellow's magic in the near future...

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