Shakham's Loop Doors

As promised, some more from Shakham the Great:

Shakham's Loop Doors
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

“The unsuspecting archer does not know that one loop door has been placed straight in front of him, while it's pair right behind him. He stretches his bow, takes aim, and fires. The arrow flies a short distance before disappearing in mid air. His face frozen in terrible surprise, the archer falls to the ground while his own arrow sticks from the back of his head.”

When you cast this spell, choose two clear areas within range. You must either see these areas, or know they are there. Two invisible port holes, 5 ft. in diameter each, appear at the designated points facing each other. Any non-living object entering through the front of either door exits from the front of the opposite door. If it entered at an angle it will exit at that exact angle, meaning it will not change its direction, only its displacement.

Objects that are left only half-way through the doors while the spell is stopped end up outside either of the doors, according to where the majority of the object was when the spell stopped. Living creatures that attempt to pass through the doors dispel them.

The amount of things that can be achieved with such a clever device are numerous, with a small hint of one in the name of spell, but that I leave up to you, the readers.

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